Do you also want to express your protest in a sympathetic and positive way? Then make sure you have a Yellow Plu !

With our volunteer team we decorate manually foldable yellow umbrellas with beautiful positive texts such as 'Freedom', 'Connection' and 'Truth', and with lovely icons such as embracing dolls, flowers and hearts.

Get your Yellow Plu at events where we are present (see our agenda). Be on time, because DONE = DONE.
Can't look us up at events, or do you want to order a lot of Plu's? Message us and get your Yellow Plu(s) at one of our pick-up addresses.


Order your Plu here!


    How many Plu's do you want to order?



    Is your Yellow Plu broken? Order new parts here:



    De Gele Plu does not ship. You can pick up your Yellow Plu or parts of it at one of our collection points. Broken Plu's can also be returned at a collection point. We then recycle the parts. You will receive the exact pick-up address after your request.
    Please note: our response may end up in your SPAM box.

    Pick-up address

    Decorate your own Yellow Plu!

    Do you like to be creative yourself? Then order a blank Yellow Plu and get started with markers yourself!
    To get you started, you can download several templates to use here.


    Pimp my Plu

    In addition to the fact that you can pin your Yellow Plu, there are many options to 'pimp' your Yellow Plu even further. Think, for example, of a light hose for the dark evenings. Or a longer stick, so that your Plu does not prick other people's eyes during manifestations. Or decorate it with flowers in the summer! Do you have a great idea yourself? Please let us know and/or see via

    Would you like to keep your Yellow Plu high in the air without getting a lame arm?

    1. Buy at the hardware store a gray electric tube (are larger in diameter than the yellow tubes) and Velcro.
    2. Cut the tube to the desired length.
    3. Screw the black handle off your plu.
    4. Insert the 'stem' of your plu into the tube.
    5. Stick one side of the Velcro around the top of the tube (so at the ridge of the plu).
    6. Cut the other side of the Velcro longitudinally and fold it around the bars of the plu.
    7. The tube can now be attached by means of the Velcro. As a result, your plu will not 'fly' in a gust of wind. It is also easy to disassemble again.

    Ook in het donker kan jouw Gele Plu stralen. Afgelopen winter hebben we al veel verlichte Gele Pluutjes gezien en bij deze willen we een handige tactiek met je delen die één van onze vrijwilligers heeft ontdekt. Zij kocht een ‘lichtslang’ van koperdraad waarbij acht draden ontsprongen uit een centrum (LED Cascade koperdraad…). Het koperdraad is makkelijk in vorm te krijgen en de acht draden komen overeen met de acht spijlen van onze Gele Plu’s.

    1. Draai het begin van alle acht draden aan de binnenkant om de nok van de Plu (eventueel met enkele knoop)
    2. Draai het batterijdoosje met de draad licht (niet strak) om de stok en plak het vast met tape.
    3. Haal de draden uit de war en verdeel ze over de acht openingen tussen de spijlen.
    4. Doe per spijl:

      a. Haal het uiterste lampje bij het uiteinde van de spijl achter langs de spijl om het puntje aan de buitenkant en weer achter de spijl langs en eventueel door het koperdraadje als een enkele knoop. Laat het lampje met het puntje van de spijl naar buiten steken.

      b. Pak de losse draad op 2-3 plekken en draai het op dat stuk om de spijl heen (ook niet strak). Wissel af met linksom en rechtsom erom heen slaan. Waar de spijl dubbel is (bovenaan) alleen om de onderste heen. Check regelmatig of de Plu nog open en dicht kan zonder dat er kracht op het koperdraad komt te staan.

    After a rain shower, fold in your beautifully decorated Yellow Plu to easily take it home. Despite our waterproof markers, the colors can run a bit out if the plu remains wet. A Yellow Plu wearer has alerted us to a simple trick: spray your plu with water-repellent shoe spray and the colors will run out less quickly.

    Has a metal arm come loose from your pluck (not broken), because the screw has fallen out? Then simply repair it with a metal paper clip (without plastic layer) and combination pliers.

    1. Slide the loose arms into place.
    2. Insert a piece of paper clip through the connection holes.
    3. Cut the paper clip to about 15 mm and bend the metal so that it gets stuck and the arm is properly connected again.